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If your concrete driveway has been laid and professionally sealed with residential concrete driveway installation, you might believe it to be almost indestructible. Even an ordinary storm can result in damage and problems with a concrete driveway, necessitating maintenance or repairs. It is true that concrete driveways are highly resilient and will last a long time under most conditions and with adequate care. Storms can harm your driveway in a same way that tree roots do, depending on the kind of damage they cause.


Wind and Debris Damage


Even strong winds might not look like much. However, over time, they might deteriorate your driveway’s surface. Despite the fact that driveways are normally sealed, no seal is impermanent, and sustained high winds will erode your driveway’s surface, leaving it rough and abrasive. This can cause your driveway to become uneven over time and require resurfacing in order to restore its smoothness.


Sand, dirt, and other debris can also be blown around by strong winds. Depending on the kind and amount of the debris, this type of power can harm and degrade the driveway’s surface. It can also chip and break your asphalt Even though a single storm might not be too problematic, over time this could develop into an ongoing concern.


Making sure your sealant is placed consistently and maintaining the area around your driveway free of dirt, sand, leaves, and other debris are two ways to preserve your driveway in good condition and avoid wind and debris from damaging it. By doing this, the amount of harm that winds can cause and the things they can throw at your driveway will be reduced.


Rain and Water Damage


Rain isn’t a huge issue for concrete by itself, but persistently heavy rain can seep into the concrete and cause it to expand. Even worse, hail and hard ice can harm and wear down the driveway’s surface. Long-standing concrete is quickly eroded by water, which also causes the surface to become less smooth and to lose its gloss and color.


The largest difficulty, though, is that water damage can significantly worsen chips and cracks. Concrete that has been cracked or chipped may become seriously harmed as a result of water. Water that seeps into concrete fractures is the worst offender. Water can erode the soil beneath your driveway, causing cracks to become complete breaks and sunken areas, in addition to making them worse and wider.


Sealing your driveway and fixing any chips or cracks right away are the best ways to avoid this. By doing this, you save rain from escalating those issues and maybe completely damaging your driveway. In this situation, frequent maintenance can save you from having to replace your driveway entirely.


Final Thoughts


I guess that’s all. Our guide to concrete driveway damage from storms. We hope that these pointers and warning signals will help you safeguard your driveway in the long run. You may avoid spending a fortune on driveway repairs by performing a little preventative maintenance.